This service includes the regulation of status issues of all companies from establishment to liquidation through mergers, acquisitions and separations, as well as the service of regulating relations between owners of companies and third parties. Commercial law includes advisory services to fit business goals and includes a set of services related to the application of laws and bylaws related to a subject matter company. In addition, this service includes protection of the rights and interests of companies before state authorities. Finally, this service includes the regulation of relations between the owners of companies, their employees and third parties.

This includes

Consulting and preparation of the necessary documentation for the establishment of companies, associations, foundations and other forms of organization
Registration of business data, change and submission of other registration applications at the Agency for Business Registers
Preparation of the necessary documentation and counseling during status changes, increases and decreases in the company's capital
Legal advice related to corporate governance
Drafting of articles of incorporation, statutes, contracts of company members, regulations, internal procedures, decisions and other individual and general acts of companies
Preparation, consultation and drafting of documents related to the holding of company assemblies and sessions of administrative, executive and supervisory boards
Aligning business with changes in legislation
Assistance with securities offerings and securities rules and regulations
Implementation of corporate and status changes
Assistance in the transfer of goods and personnel between companies
Commercial litigation, shareholder disputes or ownership disputes
Tax planning and tax procedure related to corporate tax
Assistance with state aid and government financial assistance programs